Fitspo: Why “Rocky” gets me pumped up


I love Rocky – it’s a classic. Sylvester Stallone’s performance is flawless, and although classifies the movie as a sports drama, I think it’s a romance.

Rocky’s in love with boxing. He’s in love with Adrian. He fights, both to win the heavyweight championship against Apollo Creed, fights to convince Adrian she’s beautiful and loved, and most of all, he fights for his own sense of self-worth and for respect.

Rocky, looking serious.


The movie is inspirational and motivational, and it’s not just the iconic scene where Rocky runs up the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art or the music – it’s that Rocky strives to prove to himself and his coach, Mickey, and everyone else, that he isn’t just a “bum”. Rocky Balboa may be uneducated, but he’s kind and loving, and dedicated to self-improvement. It’s a feel-good movie, and a movie everyone can learn from.

After I watched Rocky a few years ago, I felt inspired to get fit and build my confidence. Unfortunately, after I started my program, I quickly lost steam. I meant well, but I wasn’t committed.

This year, I decided it’s time to take a different approach to fitness. So, last week, I did something I haven’t done since the seventh grade – I went through a fitness test. A trainer at my gym had me walk on a treadmill for five minutes and measured my heart rate, tested my flexibility with the “sit and reach” test, tested my upper body strength with chest presses, and evaluated my core strength by counting how many sit-ups I can do in one minute. Then, he measured my BMI, body fat percentage, and took measurements around my calves, thighs, hips, chest, and biceps.

Yesterday, I met again with my trainer to go through the custom program he designed for me that will help me become stronger, fitter, healthier, and build more body confidence.

I know it’s a good program because I could feel the burn, and today, I have that “jelly” muscle feeling. But mostly, I know it’s good because my trainer helped me get comfortable with it, and made sure everything is at my level and makes me feel good.

I’ve traditionally been very concerned about calories and cardio, and it will be tough to change my habits. It will be hard not to wonder how many calories I’ve burned doing dead lifts, but I’m going to do my best to remember this is about getting stronger, and as long as I watch what I eat and eat healthy foods, I can reach my goal.

And when I’m feeling like I can’t do another chin up, I’ll blast Survivor’s Eye of the Tiger, and when I’m feeling the burn in my legs and I’m wobbly on the Bosu, I’ll turn up Bill Conti’s Gonna Fly Now (Rocky’s Theme) to get pumped up. Cuz if there’s one thing I learned from Rocky Balboa it’s to commit and don’t quit.

Now here’s a MONTAGE!

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What are your favourite work out tunes? What inspires you to get up and  move? Leave me a comment.

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